10 Mar 2012

How To Tie A Tie

This is the only picture you will ever need concerning tie wearing. In my opinion, the half-windsor should still only be used sparingly. I'm completely, 'Team Four-In Hand'. I like that a four-in-hand never looks too perfect or symmetrical, and it works in pretty much every situation. It's tough to go wrong with it. Just make sure you pull it tight and add a dimple, to avoid the embarrassing knot the size of your head that you thought was cool when you wore a tie at school.

After the last time you have slipped the large end of the necktie under the knot, right before you pull it all the way down... squeeze the necktie fabric into a "W" using a two-finger pinching motion.

Use your thumb to push on one side, while using your index finger to push the other side.  The fabric will fold to form the dimple - now pull the tie down to tighten the knot.

I also think that bow-ties should be saved for black tie events only. To me, they give off a very try-hard aesthetic that very few people can pull off, other than with a well fitting tuxedo.

As a bonus, here's a quick instagram snap I took yesterday of my chest. I had a presentation to do at university. A great excuse to wear my new suit. I intend to get full length pictures of it in the near future. Watch this space.

You can follow me on instagram @roskellmike, and twitter @M_Rocko, if that's your thing...


  1. Like the blog. Keep posting those daily wears. Love the backdrop too.

    1. Thankyou Dan. I spent a good chunk of my morning yesterday checking out your blog. Keep up the good work!
